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Archives for April 2020

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Praying Psalm 102

What do you do when you come across hard times? Who do you talk to? How do you talk about it with them? For many of us this season has most certainly been a hard time. The fear of the coronavirus, the loneliness of social isolation, the anxiety of financial instability, the pain of losing loved ones. During hard times, our heavenly Father speaks to us through the Psalms an...

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COVID-19 Weekly Update #7

We are so eager to gather again for Sunday morning services and hope that can happen sooner than later. We sure miss you! But we also know that it will be a long time before it’s back to business-as-usual. Please pray for our ministry staff as we begin to plan. We’ve put together a team to think through the adjustments that will be needed so we can be ready as restrict...

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Praying Psalm 100

Music has a way of recalling the clearest memories and creating the most powerful emotions. It can make you happy when you are sad, or sad when you are happy. The right song can transport you to another time; like how “Wipeout” takes me back to middle school birthday parties at the roller-skating rink. It has the power to take you back to your childhood or teenage year...

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COVID-19 Weekly Update #6

Are you growing weary of this new normal? Now that the newness of change has worn off and the celebration of Easter is past, we find ourselves in need of endurance. The fatigue has set in, so where do we turn? Thankfully we aren’t left to ourselves! We find strong encouragement in the Psalms. This coming Sunday we’ll be in Psalm 100 where we see a reminder that the LOR...

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Share Christ, Not COVID

He is risen! He is risen indeed! We’ve just celebrated that good news on Easter Sunday; it’s only natural that we should deliver it to others. But how do we do that, given the circumstances? How do we share Christ without sharing COVID? As this pandemic has unfolded, Christian writers have produced scores of articles to help us think of new ways to reach out to those a...

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COVID-19 Weekly Update #5

Today is Good Friday. A day we get up close to death to prepare for the celebration of life in Christ. And this year we don’t have to try very hard to face the reality of death. Its shadow is all around us. We feel an abundance of loss thinking about how different Holy Week is this year. But Sunday’s still coming and the joy to be found in celebrating Christ’s victor...

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Praying Psalm 96

Poetry is powerful. It engages both mind and heart. It uses a small number of words to convey big truths, imprinting them upon us with vivid imagery, making us feel and experience them. An image is indeed worth a thousand words. An imagination is worth a million. According to, imagination is “the faculty…of forming mental images or concepts of what is no...

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COVID-19 Weekly Update #4

The loss of not being able to gather with you is especially great as we think about entering Holy Week this Sunday. It’s a week full of rich traditions for First Free...

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