How to Change a Life - 52 Club
What is the 52 Club?
You might see a sign about or hear someone talk about the 52 Club and if you’re anything like me you might think, “What in the world is the 52 Club?” Well, the 52 Club is a fundraiser that you can be a part of to help students go to life-changing camps and retreats. A person donates a minimum of $52, this breaks down to $1 a week for the year, which creates the attractive 52 Club name.
Why join?As with any club there are benefits that come with being a member. The direct benefits to members are May Mulch Madness and the Fall Workday. During the Mulch Madness and Fall Workday students will descend on your house like a plague of locusts, but in a good way. These days give students the opportunity to learn what it means to serve others in the church. Students work hard on these days and we have done such jobs as rake leaves, prune and plant trees, clean gutters, clean windows, clean houses, babysit, paint, and anything else that needs to be done.
What is the impact?This is a great question to ask and one that I enjoy answering. Camps and retreats impact students’ lives in amazing ways. Being there allows them to get out of life’s routine and focus on the work that God is doing in them and in the world around them. There is intentional time when they can discuss what is going on in their life. We’ve seen many students repent, confess sin, and chose to follow after God instead of their own way. We’ve seen students see the need to stop living life on their own and begin to seek out Christian community and accountability. And we’ve seen other students through tears of joy believe the gospel for the first time or decide to publicly express their faith and be baptized.
The money you donate helps students grow in their faith and more fully understand the gospel. The 52 Club has currently created 370 different individual scholarships to send students to camps and retreats since it began in 2009. Thank you so much for the opportunity you have given students. I would encourage you to sign up again this year or become a member for the first time at our membership drive Sundays, March 15 and 22. You’ll find us in the hallway outside the church offices. Stop by and learn more about the 52 Club!
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