Summer Sundays 2014
Summertime is here. At First Free that means a change of pace and a chance to give our Children’s and Student Ministries volunteers a break. Here are the specifics of what that will look like this year:
When is it? Summer Sundays will kick off on July 6 and will go through August 10. July 6 will be a single service at 10:00 a.m. and the remaining weeks will have two services as usual.
What will the sermon series be? Pastor Josh and others will be preaching through a six-week series on work.
What’s the schedule for children and students? To give our volunteers a break we will not have any elementary, middle school, or high school classes on Sunday mornings. Nursery and preschool classes up though age 4 will be offered all six weeks and Student Ministries will continue to meet mid-week.
What’s the schedule for adults? Some of our ABFs will continue meeting, but some will also take a break. Please check with your ABF class leader to find out if your class will be meeting. There won’t be any elective classes offered during Summer Sundays.
Are there any other opportunities? Yes! We hope you’ll take advantage of the scaled back pace of summer to attend service and make plans to go to lunch (or breakfast) with friends, or reach out and make plans to eat with someone you don’t know yet.
If you don’t currently volunteer with children’s or student classes on Sunday mornings, we’d also encourage you to consider volunteering in our preschool classes for the summer. You can contact Marcia Guggisberg for more information.
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