What's Love Got to Do with It?
February 23, 2014 Preacher: Josh Black Series: 1 John: Am I Really a Christian?
Passage: 1 John 3:11–3:24
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Sermon Questions
1. How does the world define love?
2. Read 1 John 3:11-24. What is John’s point in comparing “Christians” who do not love their brother with Cain?
3. In the sermon, it was suggested that the word “reassure” in verse 19 (ESV) should be translated “persuade.” What does it mean that we need to “persuade” our hearts to love others?
4. Where do you need to grow in godly love for others?
5. What is our motivation to show tangible, sacrificial love and generosity to others?
More in 1 John: Am I Really a Christian?
March 23, 2014
That You May KnowMarch 16, 2014
Who Will You Believe?March 9, 2014
True Love Bleeds