Live a Life of Dying
January 4, 2015 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Mark: Who Do You Say That I Am?
Passage: Mark 8:22–9:1
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Sermon Questions
- If the churches in the mid-20th century were in danger of falling into legalism, do you think it’s fair to say that churches today are in danger of falling into licentiousness or adopting “cheap grace” as Bonhoeffer said?
- Read Mark 8:22-26. Do you agree that this miracle serves as a parable for spiritual sight? If so, how is that encouraging?
- Read Mark 8:27-33. Jesus said the Son of Man must be killed and after three days rise. If you had to explain this to an unbeliever what would you say? Why are Christ’s death and resurrection necessary?
- Read Mark 8:34-9:1. Do you agree that dying is a form of repentance? When you sin, what role does repentance play in restoring fellowship with God? When you share the gospel, how much should you emphasize repentance?
- Bonhoeffer says when Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die. Does the promise of eternal life and resurrection encourage you to live a life of dying?
More in Mark: Who Do You Say That I Am?
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