Salvation through Judgment
May 17, 2015 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Joshua: Bound for the Promised Land
Passage: Joshua 6:1–6:27
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Sermon Questions
- Have you ever spoken with someone whose doubts in God were based on his command to devote cities like Jericho to destruction? How would you answer an objection like this?
- Read Joshua 6:1-20. The “battle” plan in these verses seems a little strange. How does this “battle” plan give glory to God? How does the fact that we’re saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone give glory to God alone?
- Read Joshua 6:21-27. In Leviticus 18:24-28, we learn that the Canaanites were guilty of the most heinous debauchery. How does that inform your view of God’s judgment on them? How does your view of sin affect your view of God’s judgment?
- How does the salvation of Rahab inform your view of God’s judgment on Jericho? How does amazing grace affect your view of awful judgment?
- Why is the cross the most amazing display of God’s glory in salvation through judgment?
- How might the final judgment be a way that God brings salvation through judgment for his glory (see 2 Thess. 1:5-10; Rev. 19:1-5)? How might the coming final judgment change the way you live this week?
More in Joshua: Bound for the Promised Land
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