The Consequences of Sin
May 24, 2015 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Joshua: Bound for the Promised Land
Passage: Joshua 7:1–7:26
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Sermon Questions
- Don Carson says Jesus’ command to judge not (Matt 7:1) doesn’t mean we don’t make judgments. It means that we shouldn’t be judgmental or overly critical. What’s the difference?
- 1 Peter 1:16 calls us to be holy as God is holy (cf. 1 Pt. 2:9-12). In Ephesians 2:8ff, Paul tells us that we’re saved by grace. How do we balance these two truths?
- The emphasis of Joshua 7 is found at the climax of the story (v. 25). Achan is “excommunicated”—he’s removed from the covenant community. The evil had to be purged from the covenant community (cf. 1 Cor. 5:12-13). This seems harsh. What are the reasons for purging evil from the covenant community? How do these reasons motivate us to call people to repentance and to excommunicate those who won’t repent?
- In Matthew 18:15-17, the famous passage on church discipline, Jesus says that we’re to treat unrepentant sinners like Gentiles and tax collectors. Have you ever seen church discipline take place in a church? How were the principles in Matthew 18 used? What was the result of church discipline?
- Do you think church membership is necessary if we’re going to obey the commands for church discipline? Are you a member of the church? If so, why? If not, why not?
- What is your main take away from Joshua 7? How will it change the way you live and the way you view the church?
More in Joshua: Bound for the Promised Land
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