Wholehearted Following
July 12, 2015 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Joshua: Bound for the Promised Land
Passage: Joshua 14:6–14:15
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Sermon Questions
- Do you follow a Bible reading plan? If so, what do you generally do when you come to sections of the Bible like Joshua 13-21? Does seeing them in the context of the storyline of the Bible change how you view them?
- Read Joshua 21:43-45. God keeps his promises. How does this reality affect your daily life? What are some ways you've seen God keep his promises in your own life?
- Pastor Josh said the center of Joshua 13-21 is 18:1 where the tabernacle is brought to Shiloh. This emphasizes that God wants to dwell with his people. What does that look like for us today?
- Read Joshua 14:6-15. Caleb wholeheartedly followed the Lord. This means his heart wasn’t divided, or as Pastor Josh said, he wasn’t a two-hearted believer. What areas can you grow in wholeheartedly following the Lord?
- Read Numbers 14:8-9. Caleb’s faith in God made him fearless before man. Pastor Josh asked a number of questions to “diagnose” our fear of man. When are you most tempted to fear man? What is the antidote to fear of man?
- Caleb "included God in the equation" when assessing the situation in the Promised Land. Are there situations you are in now that you need to reasses by putting God and his promises into the equation? How can your small group encourage you in this?
More in Joshua: Bound for the Promised Land
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