Sex and Marriage
October 18, 2015 Preacher: Josh Black Series: 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 1
Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:1–24
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Sermon Questions
- Do you think the church today has a reputation for radical generosity and purity? Why or why not?
- In a simplistic form, there were two views of sexuality being addressed by Paul—the prudish view and the pagan view. Why do you think the prudish view is so common in the church? What can you do to encourage a biblical view of sexuality with those around you (a spouse, a friend, an accountability partner, your child)?
- Pastor Josh used the illustration of sex being like fire, a good thing only in the right context. This is not the message being shouted by our culture. Married or not, how does this challenge and apply to you?
- The provision Paul gives for abstinence within marriage implies there is communication within a marriage about sex and your relationship with God. If you’re married, are you and your spouse talking? Your small group isn’t the place for that conversation to happen, but are there ways you can support and encourage one another to be talking to your spouse about these things?
- As evidenced in Corinth, the life situations of people can get messy quickly. How do we balance staying true to what God says—about sex, divorce, remarriage, mixed marriages—while also being loving to those who have veered away from God’s standards.
More in 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 1
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