Trembling Joy
November 15, 2015 Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Habakkuk: Trusting God in Troubling Times
Passage: Habakkuk 3:1–19
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Sermon Questions
- What descriptions of God in Habakkuk 3 stand out to you as “awesome”? (Awesome: Extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.”)
- Can you share a time in your life that has caused you to tremble before God? How do we balance God’s closeness with his awesomeness?
- Read Habakkuk 3:17-19. Habakkuk’s joy is one that has nothing to do with his circumstances. What about you? What circumstances tend to have a greater impact on your joy in the Lord.
- Would you still have joy in God if everything was taken away?
- Read Romans 8:31-39. What is the basis for Paul’s confidence and joy. How is it similar to Habakkuk’s?
- How have you been challenged or encouraged by this sermon series in Habakkuk?

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