Love God
January 10, 2016 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Marked By Love
Passage: 1 John 2:15–17, John 15:8–11
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Sermon Questions
- Read 1 John 2:15-17. The world and its desires are passing away! What things in the world are you drawn to love?
- If you are caught up in something the world has to offer, what desires or fears are behind that struggle? (Some possibilities: Am I loved? Am I valuable? Am I enough? Will I have enough? Will I be taken care of? Will I be accepted?)
- What steps have been most helpful for you in growing your love for God and fighting the desires of the world?
- Read John 15:8-11 and 14:15-17. Glorifying God, loving him, and obeying him are inseparably linked. How are we to view obedience without seeing it as “just trying harder”? Where does the strength and desire to obey come from?
- Read Galatians 5:22. Share how the Spirit has worked in you to produce these fruits. Where do you still have room to grow? Do you take the time to encourage others when you see growth in these areas?
- Spend some time praying for one another! If it would be helpful, split up into smaller groups and share specific areas you can be praying for one another to grow in your love for God.
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