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Jesus' Heart for His Church

January 31, 2016 Preacher: Guest Speaker Series: Stand Alone Sermons

Passage: John 13:1– 16:33

Sermon by EFCA President Kevin Kompelien.

Sermon Questions
- Have you ever felt troubled and confused like the disciples may have been in the Upper Room, or like Kevin in his experience with his son’s cancer?

- Read John 14:1-6. Jesus’ answer for troubled hearts is the gospel. How has this message been a comfort and anchor for you in troubling times?

- How have you experienced the Holy Spirit working in you to empower you to live a gospel-centered life?

- Read John 15:1-17. An intimate, life-changing walk of faith is developed through abiding, obeying, and loving like Jesus did. What routines or habits do you have in place that help develop this kind of faith? What is a next step for you that might help you continue to grow in your walk of faith.

- Kevin said this intimate, life-changing walk of faith is something God uses, through us, to change the lives of others. Share how have you seen this play out in your life or those around you?

- Our foundation for faith must be the completed work of Christ. Are there other foundations you are tempted to build on? In the book of Hebrews we see that perseverance and faithfulness is something to be done in community (Read Heb. 10:19-24). What areas of life do you need the help and encouragement of your small group to “hold fast the confession of our hope”?

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