Join us sundays at 9:00 or 10:45am

Waiting for God's Salvation

February 7, 2016 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Psalms of Lament: How Long O Lord?

Passage: Psalm 13:1–6

Sermon Questions
- We don’t have to look far to see things in our lives or the lives of those close to us that cause us to lament. What is your typical response to these things? Grumbling? Ignoring it? Prayer?

- “The Psalms don’t simply teach us how to pray by telling us how to pray. They teach us to pray by showing us how to pray.” Share about your experience with the Psalms and how you’ve found this to be true.

- Read Psalm 13. What is the pattern we see here for the Psalms of Lament?

- How are these Psalms seen as prayers of faith, in contrast to the repeated grumblings of Israel which are absent from the Psalms?

- What stands out to you in this Psalm as something you can relate to and/or something you should include more in your prayers.

- Spend some time thinking about ways your group could grow more comfortable in your use of the Psalms of Lament. (Journaling? Reading the Psalms aloud? Praying with a friend?) Plan to incorporate one of these ideas in your individual prayer time this week.

More in Psalms of Lament: How Long O Lord?

March 27, 2016


March 25, 2016

Why Have You Forsaken Me?

March 20, 2016

How to Pray for Retribution