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Rock of Ages

March 13, 2016 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Psalms of Lament: How Long O Lord?

Passage: Psalm 31:1–24

Sermon Questions
- Christians should live well, but we should also die well. Is there someone who comes to mind as an example of someone who died well? Explain.

- Jesus quotes Psalm 31:5 in his prayer from the cross. Read Psalm 31:9-13. What similarities are there between David’s and Jesus’ situations? Why does Jesus quote this Psalm?

- Pastor Josh shared two reasons from Psalm 31 that we can trust God---he is the Rock of Ages (vv. 1-8) and he is sovereign (vv. 14-18). What are the examples of God’s faithfulness in your past (or ages past) that act as a foundation for your trust in God’s faithfulness in the future?

- Thinking of the example of the relationship between trapeze artists, when is hardest for you to “let go and wait” for God to catch you?

- How can your small group encourage you to rejoice and persevere when it’s tempting to say, “I’ve waited for God’s deliverance long enough”? What else are you tempted to turn to? Share with each other ways you can be praying for one another and spend time in prayer.

More in Psalms of Lament: How Long O Lord?

March 27, 2016


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