The More Excellent Way
May 15, 2016 Preacher: Josh Black Series: 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 2
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:1–13
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Sermon Questions
- This very familiar chapter was a strong rebuke for the Corinthian church and how they were treating each other. How do the characteristics of love mentioned in verses 4-7 point back to earlier parts of the book and their struggles that we’ve learned about so far in our study of 1 Corinthians?
- This chapter is part of the larger discussion on spiritual gifts. Share an example of how you have seen gifts being used with or without love and how that affected the building up of the body?
- Walk through the characteristics of love in verses 4-7. How are you doing with loving others at First Free with a 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love? What about in your home?
- Identify one or two specific things you can do this week to grow in love.
More in 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 2
August 7, 2016
Let All Be Done in LoveJuly 24, 2016
Some Will Never DieJuly 17, 2016
The Resurrection Body