Some Will Never Die
July 24, 2016 Preacher: Mike Andrus Series: 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 2
Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:50–58
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Sermon Questions
- Have you ever showed up somewhere and realized you didn’t have on the right kind of clothes? Why is it important that our bodies be changed?
- The truths in chapter 15 should greatly shape a believer’s view of death. What has stood out to you the most from these last four sermons as you think about death?
- Read Isaiah 25:7-9 and Revelation 21:1-8. As you look forward to that day what promises are most meaningful to you right now? Why?
- Pastor Mike shared three applications from verse 58, something to BE, something to DO, and something to KNOW. What are they and how are you doing in each of these areas?

More in 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 2
August 7, 2016
Let All Be Done in LoveJuly 17, 2016
The Resurrection BodyJuly 10, 2016
The Defeat of Death