Let All Be Done in Love
August 7, 2016 Preacher: Josh Black Series: 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 2
Passage: 1 Corinthians 16:1–24
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Sermon Questions
- What were the two main ways given for how to be set apart as God's people. How was the church in Corinth doing in these areas? How would you assess the church today?
- Of the five commands in verses 13-14, which one is the hardest for you?
- What can be done now to help you have "faithfulness beyond fear" when danger or difficulty comes along?
- When is fear most threatening to your faith? (Social situations, physical danger, future uncertainties, etc?)
- Is there something tangible your small group could do this month to know, encourage, or care for one of the churches First Free partners with through our missions partners? What about something to build up the body at First Free?
- How would you summarize the series on 1 Corinthians? What has been your biggest take-away?
More in 1 Corinthians: A Beautiful Mess, Part 2
July 24, 2016
Some Will Never DieJuly 17, 2016
The Resurrection BodyJuly 10, 2016
The Defeat of Death