Radical Discipleship
September 11, 2016 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
Passage: Luke 5:1–11
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Sermon Questions
- Is there an area in your life where you feel called to obey Jesus, but it doesn’t make human sense?
- Where have you seen progress in your life toward transferring authority to Jesus?
- Read Isaiah 6:1-9. Do you see the same pattern of discipleship here as found in Luke 5?
- How does clearly seeing who God is affect the way you see yourself?
- Are there areas where you feel inadequate for ministry?
- Is there anything you are “holding out of the water”?
- Is there anything keeping you from radical discipleship?
More in Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
November 27, 2016
True GreatnessNovember 20, 2016
The Cost of DiscipleshipNovember 13, 2016
The Famous One