October 9, 2016 Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
Passage: Luke 6:39–49
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Sermon Questions
- Have you ever been asked to follow someone who doesn’t know what they are doing? Or have you ever tried to lead in a situation in which you weren’t qualified? How did that go?
- If you are in an area of spiritual leadership, can you say it would be good for someone to become like you?
- How can we tell if we bear good fruit from a good heart? What do your words in the last week reveal about the condition of your heart?
- How do we make sure our house is built on the right foundation?
- Are you actively and intentionally seeking to obey Jesus or are there commands of Jesus that you are ignoring? What areas do you need the help and encouragement of your small group to persevere in obedience?

More in Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
November 27, 2016
True GreatnessNovember 20, 2016
The Cost of DiscipleshipNovember 13, 2016
The Famous One