The Cost of Discipleship
November 20, 2016 Preacher: Guest Speaker Series: Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
Passage: Luke 9:18–27
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Guest Speaker: Pastor Brandon Redic
Sermon Questions
- How does the question of Jesus' identity develop in chapters 7-9 of Luke? What things cause people to question who he is?
- Pastor Brandon said you can't be right with God and wrong about Jesus. Who do "the crowds" today say Jesus is? Why is this question about Jesus' identity so important?
- Jesus makes clear that the path to glory is the path of suffering. Have you "left everything," but now expect something different than what Jesus experienced?
- The cross was a symbol of shame, submission, and suffering. Do you embrace these things for the sake of following Jesus?
- Is there anything you aren't willing to lose in order to pursue Christ? What needs to die in your life so you can be a more devoted follower of Jesus Christ?
- The call to discipleship is a daily call, is this a daily consideration for you? How can you encourage each other in the costly road of following Jesus?

More in Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
November 27, 2016
True GreatnessNovember 13, 2016
The Famous OneNovember 6, 2016
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