I Did It My Way
May 14, 2017 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Judges: Deliverance in Darkness
Passage: Judges 17:1– 18:31
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Sermon Questions
- Our culture values "doing things my way." Where have you seen examples or evidence of this value?
- What are some examples of when doing things God's way would seem odd or counter-cultural to a non-Christian?
- Why do we need God's guidance when it comes to how we worship him?
- Where are you tempted to worship God in your own way or neglect the ways that he has commanded us to worship him?
- Read Hebrews 10:19-25. When are you tempted to "neglect meeting together"?
- What is the connection between Christ-centered worship and the church (the place that we worship)?
More in Judges: Deliverance in Darkness
May 21, 2017
A Very Unhappy EndingMay 7, 2017
Redemption in DarknessApril 30, 2017
The Secret of Strength