The memorial service for Pastor Ron will be Wednesday, May 22, at 10:00 am in the Worship Center.

Join us sundays at 9:00 or 10:45am

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Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem

Have you been busy lately? Do you have too many agenda items to juggle? Is the important getting lost in the midst of the urgent? I might have a simple solution to your problem… but, prepare yourself, it may feel counter-intuitive. My solution? Stop what you’re doing and read the book Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung....

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What's Their Gospel Message?

Knowing the true gospel is of central importance to reading spiritual books with discernment. Every spiritual book has a gospel, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right gospel. For example, the health and wealth movement preaches a gospel which is certainly false. And there are numerous other forms of gospels that you’ll find in spiritual books that are anything but bib...

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Are My Ears Itching?

What do itching ears have to do with reading spiritual books with discernment? A lot actually. Not physically itching ears, of course, but spiritually itching ears. The apostle Paul says, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn aw...

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How Are They Using Their Bible?

Remember the TV show M*A*S*H? A classic scene from that show is when Father Mulcahy, the chaplain of the 4077th army surgical hospital, accidentally gets drunk when he hears that his Cardinal is coming to hear him preach. He’s so nervous he’s encouraged to take a shot of whiskey to cool his nerves. He then enters the tent, approaches the pulpit, and begins to preach (i...

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What Do They Mean When They Say _________?

I recently attended a funeral service where the person giving the eulogy began reading from the Bible. He made mention to the plan of salvation and so forth. Then---to the great shock of everyone---he pulled out a second book. ...

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How to Read with Discernment: 5 Reasons

”Watch out for wooden nickels.” Ever heard that phrase? That’s something my grandpa used to say to me. Now, why would he say that? He wanted to impart some wisdom. There are many tricksters in the world and you and I are far more prone to deception than any of us are willing to admit....

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What Aren't They Saying?

Have you ever been cornered by a salesman that was trying to make you an offer you couldn’t refuse? The deal sounds good, but in the back of your mind you know there’s a catch. There’s something he’s not telling you. The same could be true of commercials and internet advertising. The problem is not in what they’re saying, but in what they’re NOT saying....

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Book Review: The Next Story

Earlier this year, a story ran about a father who put his family on the “1986 Technology Plan.” He, his wife and two small children only use technology if they could have acquired it in 1986. So, they have a telephone, cassette tapes, videos and a television, but no cell phones, DVDs, cable TV, or internet-capable computer. His motivations were simply to “reunite t...

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