The memorial service for Pastor Ron will be Wednesday, May 22, at 10:00 am in the Worship Center.

Join us sundays at 9:00 or 10:45am

The TIME at Morning Star Ranch!

If I had to sum up the STIRRED! Women’s Retreat in one word – other than stirred – it would be TIME! We had the best time! And by best, I mean time for pretty much everything you could want in a women’s retreat. Of course, on one hand, there’s never enough time when you’re with other women, but this retreat made time for some really good things.

To begin we had a really special time in prayer after a worship time on Friday night. We sent women off around the property of the Ranch to prepare for what God had in store for them during the rest of their time at the retreat. We had about an hour of daylight and though I was thinking that it was too bad that we didn’t have more, one lady commented how much she enjoyed her sunset prayer time! Of course! Is there any better time during the day than sunset!! Our time in prayer was followed by gathering around a warm bonfire and roasting marshmallows for s’mores. What a great time of just hanging out! There were conversations after conversations as I looked around the circle of ladies. Following the bonfire, there was more time for games, hot chocolate, snacks, more conversation, and finally hikes up the hill to lodges and cabins.

Saturday brought more time and more perfect weather. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast (the food was excellent) and we spent two times in the Word hearing Peter’s urgency “to stir [us] up by way of reminder” to lead holy lives until the Day of the Lord. One of the highlights after spending time in 2 Peter was the small group discussions that followed. Here the ladies could reflect on what they’d heard and share how they were planning to apply the Scriptures. In addition to good time in the Word, we had free time for walks, hikes, fun photos, archery and even canoeing for those who could stay a little later.

A retreat’s not a retreat without some good time to laugh at and with our friends and we had time for that too. Let’s just say it’s hard to recognize First Free ladies when they don buck teeth, wigs, and the latest “fashions.” I sure hope Eudola Mae and her sisters make their appearance again sometime in the future!

We missed you if you were unable to join us this time at Women’s Retreat. We’ll look for you next TIME!

Copies of the prayer guide used at the retreat are available at the Women's Ministries Table and you may click on the following links to hear the teaching from the retreat. Many thanks to Jane Schaible for teaming with me to teach 2 Peter.

Session One
Session Two