The Best Day of the Week
Nick Kennicott, in his blog post titled, The Best Day of the Week...for Your Kids, states, “...if we are to do [the Sabbath] rightly and call the Sabbath a delight (Isaiah 48:13) we need to think about how we can cultivate that delight instead of dread in our children’s (and our own) hearts on the Lord’s Day.”
How committed is your family to corporate worship? Do you look forward to attending church together as a family with your church family? Do you use what happens in the service to encourage and instruct your family during the week? It takes intentionality to make that happen! I encourage you to read Nick's blog as he gives 8 practical ways to make Sunday the best day of the week for your family.
Remember, your attitude about church and your church family will have the most influence on how your children view church—attitudes are CAUGHT more than they are TAUGHT!
Judy Hollander
Children's Ministries Director
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