Join us sundays at 9:00 or 10:45am

Thank you for your financial partnership! Enter an amount below and click next to begin your gift and easily create an account or sign in with our online giving processor, Subsplash. If you already have an account, you can log in to manage it here>>>

2025 Missions Trip Donation

Ways to Give

Online - Use the donation option above to easily give online. The first time you give you'll need to set up an account and then you'll be set to make one-time gifts or a recurring donation. You can maximize your gift by selecting the ACH payment option.

Mobile - Looking for a way to give from your smartphone? Text "ffwichita" to 1-888-364-4483 to receive a link to our custom giving page. Msg & data rates may apply. 

In Person - Want to give by check or cash? No problem. We have offering boxes in the back of the Worship Center where you can insert a donation; or you can mail or bring a check to the church office during the week.

Bank Bill Pay - Many banks offer bill pay through their online banking service. You simply designate First Free as a payee, schedule a payment, and then the bank will mail us a check from your account. You'll need to contact your banking provider to see if they offer online bill pay.

Stock Gift or Estate Planning - If you would like more information about how to make a stock gift or include First Free in your estate, contact Dean Maxwell.