Join us sundays at 9:00 or 10:45am

2024 Short-Term Trips


Missions has always been an important part of our church life. Jesus commissioned his disciples to make disciples of all nations, and that job is not yet finished. We have good news of God's salvation for all peoples and we are committed to going wide with that message. We currently support over 60 missions partners with around 25% of our annual budget. Along with the weekly requests in our bulletin, pick up our monthly prayer calendars at the church to learn more about our partners and ways you can support them in prayer!

Download our missions policy to learn more about our approach to missions at First Free>>>

Missions Partners in Africa

George & Emily Aidoo
Zach & Jenn O'Connor
All Kids Can Learn International, Benedict & Kathleen Schwartz
J & J
S & A
D & H
W & J

Missions Partners in Asia

T & N
C & L
S & J
S & A
W & S
A & N
S & S
Shige & Luann Nakazawa
R & C
Sarah Roberts
L & J
Darwin & Karen Stoesz
J & H

Missions Partners in Europe

A & S
Jesse & Monica Pauly
P & K, S

Missions Partners in North & South America

Sinai and Nicole Albareda
John and Courtney Anderson
Ed and Denis Aulie
Rod and Joyce Bevan
Jim and Darlene Conner
Mike and Mary Dicke
Claire Duckett
Randell Harms
Austin Olinger
Mark and Annie Scaffidi
Jim and Debbie Shoberg
Jonathan and Jenny Stoll

Partner Organizations

Central Kansas Prison Ministry
Choices Medical Clinic
EFCA National Office
Global Signet Group, Mark Reimschisel
Heart of Kansas Muslim Ministries
Lydia Center for Women, Macedonia
Midwest District EFCA
Pioneer Bible Translators, Translation Project
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Trinity Video Seminary, Eurasia
The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI)
Union Rescue Mission
Voice of the Truth
World Impact
Young Life Wichita
Youth Horizons

Partner Churches

El Faro Church, Wichita
Genesis Church, Wichita
The Bridge Church, Wichita
The Grove Church, Union Grove, Wisconsin