Student Ministries exists to fulfill the same mission as First Free: To make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our goal isn’t to create students who love youth group. Our goal is that the grace of the gospel would move our students to love God, love other believers, and love the lost. We seek to disciple students through two main avenues:
Sunday Mornings
Middle School Class
Middle School Room, 9:00 am
Students can be a part of learning who God is, what he's done, and what he's called us to. Join us as we equip and disciple students using The Gospel Project curriculum!
High School Equipping Class
Outpost, 9:00 am
Our two-year equipping class is open to all high school students. Our goal is to equip students to be a part of making disciples. A practical outcome is that students will get the opportunity to participate in making disciples by serving on Sunday mornings in various ministries. We’ll study systematic theology, how to share the gospel, spiritual gifts, how to read the Bible, and more. Join us!
Wednesday Evenings
Community Groups
6:45-8:15 pm, Middle School: Middle School Room | High School: Outpost
Students gather in small groups to learn about the gospel, God's Word, prayer, community, theology, discipleship, evangelism, and missions. Our goal is for these groups to be a place where God’s Word's can grow deep in students in the context of relationships where they know others and are known by them.
If you have any questions about Student Ministries, please feel free to contact Pastor Jordan (HS) or Pastor Lucas (MS).