Learn more about EFCA Theology, History, and Polity.
Do you want to know more about our denomination? More about our history, our governance, and our theology?
The EFCA Theology, History, and Polity Class is the best way to get a thorough crash course in all things EFCA. We have a unique opportunity to have Greg Strand, the executive director of Theology and Credentialing, at First Free April 19-20 to lead this class. Many on our staff have taken this course from Greg and highly commend it to you. Greg will also be preaching at First Free on April 21 on eschatology.
If you are a leader within the church—an elder, deacon, trustee, class leader, group leader, or teacher—this class will especially help you have a stronger grasp of our doctrine as a church, which is critical for our leaders. It’s also helpful to know First Free’s theological and denominational roots.
This class is open to anyone in our church, district, or denomination. It is required for those pursuing licensing and ordination within the EFCA. For those considering seminary, this course may give a vision for what lectures and a seminary education may be like.
When: Friday and Saturday, April 19-20, 8:30am-4:30pm
Cost: $50 (covers lunch both days, snacks, and printed materials)
Where: First Free Activity Hall
Please register by Wednesday, April 17, to attend.