We're glad you'll be joining us for one of our ministries and want to let you know what you can expect.
People may choose to wear a mask at any time and we will continue to make them available at the doors.
Health Guidance
If you have COVID symptoms, a recent positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID, please consult the CDC and KDHE quarantine and isolation guidelines. You may also find the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level tool helpful in deciding what prevention steps to take based on COVID levels in the community and your personal health risk.
Online Option
We'll continue to provide an online option for those who aren't feeling well, have health concerns, or aren't comfortable attending in person. The 9:00 service will be livestreamed and the recording will be available afterward to view any time.
If you have any questions or would like to talk about our mitigations, please contact Executive Pastor Ron May.