Purposeful Partnership
January 29, 2017 Preacher: Curt Romig Series: True Community
Passage: Philippians 1:1–11
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Sermon Questions
- What are the various words in Philippians that are used for koinonia? How do you think Paul would describe community?
- How are you involved in purposeful partnership for the advance of the gospel?
- Is there a time you made a sacrifice for the sake of the gospel? How did God work through that? Is there an opportunity for you to do that going forward?
- God doesn't want us to suffer alone. How has God used suffering in your life to strengthen your community with the family of God?
- Is there an area you need to allow others to walk with you? Or is there someone you need to come alongside?
- Spend some time praying for our church and our missions partners. You can find a list of partners online at www.firstfreewichita.org/missions.

More in True Community
February 5, 2017
Gospel GenerosityJanuary 22, 2017
Committed CommunityJanuary 15, 2017
The Power for Community