Inside Out
August 6, 2017 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 2
Passage: Luke 11:37–54
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Sermon Questions
- We see in this passage that God sees our inside just as clearly as the outside. How can this truth lead us to the grace of the gospel?
- Pastor Josh pointed out seven ways that legalism is dangerous. What were they? Is there one of these pitfalls that you are more tempted toward?
- The generosity God desires is one that also seeks justice and gives love freely. How did the Pharisees struggle with this? How can we grow in this area?
- What things do you seek recognition for? In a world of 'likes' and retweets how can we guard against finding our identity in what others think?
- What has been your experience with legalism? Have you either lived under the burden of it or had a tendency to burden others? How has that shaped you today?
- Discipleship involves getting your hands messy as you walk alongside people, bearing their burdens with them, and help them see what it looks like to follow Christ. How have you seen this played out?
- What motivates you to follow Christ? Why must transformation happen from the inside out?
More in Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 2
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Following Jesus