You ARE Called to Missions
[This article was previously published in our July newsletter.]
God’s global plan is very clear in Scripture. From God blessing Abraham to bless “all the families of the earth” in Genesis 12 to people “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” worshipping the Lord in Revelation 7:9, we see God working to save a remnant from every people group on earth.
The Great Commission of Matthew 28 is Jesus’ clear calling for believers to participate in God’s plan. This commission wasn’t just for the disciples. How do I know? There’s two clues.
First, Jesus says, “go and make disciples of all nations” (italics mine). Clearly the disciples who personally heard this commission didn’t go to all the nations. They didn’t make it to the United States, Japan, or South Africa. The commission must continue on to us today, to continue taking the gospel to all the people groups who haven’t heard.
Second, Jesus says, “behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” The disciples didn’t live to see the end of the age, i.e., Jesus’ return to earth. So this commission continues on until the current age ends.
Based on God’s plan and Jesus’ calling, I am convinced that all Christians are called to be a part of missions. Additionally, the need for missions further compels us to be involved. About 40% of the world’s ethnic groups, or 2.5 billion people, do not have a viable, indigenous gospel witness among them. There is plenty of work to be done!
So should we all pack our bags and move to an unreached people group? While I do think that more Christians need to GO on missions to unreached people groups, God gives each of us special roles to play. Many of us cannot and should not move overseas. Here’s 5 ways to be involved in missions from right here in Wichita:
â–ª Pray. Do you believe prayer matters? I sure do! Pray for our missions partners! You can pick up one of our monthly missions prayer calendars in the Courtyard.
â–ª Welcome. People from all over the globe are coming to Wichita as international students and refugees. Many are coming from the least Christian places on earth. You can be a “welcomer” and share Christ with them here!
â–ª Give. Most missionaries need financial support from churches and individuals. By giving generously to First Free (25% of our total budget goes to missions), and giving to individuals, you are helping get the gospel to the least-reached in the world.
â–ª Encourage. I’ll never forget when I was in Peru, and the second grade Sunday School class sent me a bunch of hand-written letters. It was a huge encouragement! You can contact our missions partners with encouraging verses, prayers, and care packages that will lift their spirits.
â–ª Adopt a missionary. Could your small group or ABF adopt a missions partner? You could commit to consistently pray for and encourage them and watch how the Lord works through that.
Is there one of these five areas that you could pursue for your role in reaching the unreached? As always, contact me if you’d like help or ideas!
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