How God Loves Us
November 20, 2015 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Malachi: Return to Me
Passage: Malachi 1:1–5
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Sermon Questions
- Malachi was a message to people who were questioning God’s love. What things make you want to join in asking God “How have you loved us?”
- God’s answer to the Israelites was grounded in his covenant with them. What two things are highlighted by the answer “I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated.”
- God’s grace in choosing his people (past election) and his justice in judging his enemies (future judgment) aren’t often our top examples of his love. How would these two things be a comfort to the Israelites who were waiting on God’s promises to be kept? Are they encouraging to you as we wait for Christ’s return?
- Our understanding of God’s love for us in what he has done and in the promises he has made affect our ability and motivation to live faithful lives now. How can your small group help each other in being grounded in God’s steadfast love?
- “Steadfast love” (the idea of covenant love) shows up 128 times just in the Psalms! Spend some time in this book as a group to see how God’s people used God’s love to motivate and encourage one another. Is there a section you could pick as a group to memorize together? (Looking for a place to start? Try Psalm 86, 103, 118 or 136.)
More in Malachi: Return to Me
December 20, 2015
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