Sent by God
September 4, 2016 Preacher: Josh Black Series: Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
Passage: Luke 4:14–44
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Sermon Questions
- What emphasis is Luke drawing out by placing this passage at the beginning of his account of Jesus' ministry instead of the middle like the other gospels?
- How does an understanding of the year of the Lord's favor (the year of Jubilee) shed light on the radical nature of Jesus' message of grace?
- In this passage we see the people going from amazement and speaking well of Jesus to anger and wanting to kill Jesus. What can account for this change?
- We aren't entitled to God's grace and we can't earn God's grace. Only people who see their need can receive God's grace. Who or what were some of the influencing factors in helping you come to understand your need of grace?
- How can we counter the tendency to revert to feeling entitled or deserving of God's favor?
- Where does Jesus' ability and authority to carry out his mission come from? Where do you see that being challenged in this passage (Lk. 4:14-44)? How do we challenge Jesus' ability or authority to be Lord in our lives today?
- How does our mission become more clear and we come to understand Jesus' mission with more fully? How will you respond to the message of this passage?
More in Luke: Certainty of the Truth, Part 1
November 27, 2016
True GreatnessNovember 20, 2016
The Cost of DiscipleshipNovember 13, 2016
The Famous One